Thursday, January 12, 2006

Kirstie Alley Happy B-day

Happy Birthday to the once hot, and then not, and now okay looking, Kirstie Alley

She got her start on Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. She was very pretty with those ears on, but she was even more famous on Cheers. She then grew bigger than William Shatner’s EGO and somehow has loss a lot of the fat.

Happy B-day Lt. Saavik


  1. She was cute as a Vulcan, but when I watch Cheers reruns I'm more annoyed with her than I used to be. Rebecca had too much of that "George Costanza always humiliating himself" syndrome.

  2. So, true, that scene with her in the tubrolift with Kirk with her hair down, mmm, very nice.

  3. Heh. Yep, in that white outfit that looked like she was headed to karate practice.
