Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Harry Knowles' movie picks of 2005


Comment: Harry Knowles' picks of 2005. Magically, I haven’t heard of half of them.

10. TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE: Never heard of this film sorry. Should be re-titled (Tell Me What This Movie is About).

9. MUNICH: Never seen it, moving on…

8. THE HIDDEN BLADE: Again, never seen it. Renamed, The Hidden Movie

7. MATCH POINT: Never heard of it…I’m seeing a theme here…

6. THE NEW WORLD: Not related to The Lost World. This one will be a DVD rental, for sure.

5. HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE: Heard of it, DVD rental

4. STRINGS: What? What?

3. LADY VENGEANCE: The whois is whats it?

2. V FOR VENDETTA: I can only hope this movie is good. And pisses people off, but it should be noted that the movie has gone through some re-shoots and was suppose to come out in 05, but has been pushed back to this year. Why is this on Harry’s list? I don’t know…

1 HUSTLE & FLOW: DVD rental time!!!

Maybe Harry is smoking some crack

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