Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Xbox not big in Japan

XBOX 360 (1.5, thanks Glitch) isn’t doing too well in Japan


Comment: Like no one could predict this one. This one was bound to happen, just like the original XBOX.

Here’s the best part…

((But Enterbrain said some stores reported customers canceling pre-reserved Xbox 360s because of the postponed release of the popular game "Dead or Alive 4." Still, despite the slow start, Enterbrain said there was still "plenty of room" for Xbox 360 to increase its market share as more titles come to market.))

Trust me, I want the 360 to make it, unlike Microsoft I like a little competition between companies. Sadly Nintendo doesn’t seem concerned about always being in 3rd place though.


  1. Yeah, Microsoft's never hit off too well in Japan. Maybe it'll pick up soon.

  2. If they can get that DOA game released they'll have a chance then, and getting FFXI online should help. Even though more people play WOW
