Friday, December 16, 2005

Well, Stern leaves normal airwaves.

Comment: I didn’t agree with everything Stern said on the air, but I agree that he got screwed by the FCC. One of these days, I need to get off my lazy butt and get satellite radio, because I’m sick of the crap that is on normal radio.

Sirius Satellite Radio is dumping a lot of money into it’s stable to compete with XM radio’s larger user base. I just not sure it will pay off though.

((Stern leaves behind a plethora of imitators spawned in the wake of his radio success, when his show enjoyed an unprecedented ratings run to hit No. 1 in New York, Philadelphia, Washington and Los Angeles.))

This is so true and the imitators suck too. I just stopped listening to morning radio all together.


  1. I doubt Sirius will lose any money on the deal. I'm glad I have XM, though, 'cause frankly I despise Stern as a person and I don't like his show.

    Satellite radio is the future and will continue to grow for a long time. Far too many people say they are fed up with local stations and have an extra thirteen bucks a month to find something better.

    Between the Cinemagic channel and the national sports talk stations, not to mention MLB broadcasts, I'll never go back.

  2. I would really like to get a SAT radio mainly because I hate the 15min rotaion on the normal channels. A channel devoted to just scores sounds so cool to me.
