Saturday, December 31, 2005

Theater Blues (The annoying types)

Whenever I go into a theater, I always run into these types of people. You know the ones that piss you off and make sure you don’t enjoy the movie.

1: The Late Couple: These are some guys and girls that always come into the theater well into the opening credits of the movie. They stand there looking around the darkened theater. When they finally find a seat they disrupt the people who got to the theater on time by squeezing pass them. There’s a reason why theaters have start times, so people can actually get there on time. What a brilliant concept!

Annoying rating: 2

2: The M&M, Skittles kid: These are the kids that buy an overpriced bag of small round candy pieces and bring them into the theater. They attempt to open the bag, and POP! The little hard pieces of candy go rolling under everyone’s chairs, making an incredible loud sound. Thanks, kid, that’s just what this movie needed to make it better…

Annoying rating: 5

3: The Talking Guy: Notice I said guy not woman. This guy will yap right through the entire movie to his friends and his loser family. His voice will be loud and annoying. He won’t use a cell phone, because no one wants to talk to him. These guys need to be put down before the movie starts.

Annoying rating: 8

4: The Cell Phone people: These people will let their cell phone ring at the quietest parts of the movie, and then will answer them. Then, they will have a freaking five-minute conversation with someone, talking loud as hell. Note: Whoever’s behind them; please slapped them on the back of their heads and grab their phone and throw it toward the door.

Annoying rating: 10

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