Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Steak through the heart

The way I like it on fire, burning
eeee...it's red...

James Update

A friend of mine from work ate a medium rare steak, and it wasn’t cooked well. He got food poising. I, for one, will not eat anything that has red in it. I don’t like to be reminded it was once alive. I eat my steaks extremely well done. The waitresses think I’m joking, but I’m dead serious. I want to see flames coming off my plate when they serve it to me, okay at least smoke.

After work, I’m going to have to stay up the whole morning and get all my projects done. I am already late on Spike Lee Profile piece (5 points off), and I have to submit my articles on my news portfolio tomorrow. Thursday will be my big day to stand up in front of the class and do a presentation on Spike Lee. I’m not afraid of public speaking, I just want to know how much can I p*ss off the entire class.

In the words of Dr. McCoy, “Oh…joy.”

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