Saturday, December 10, 2005

Richard Pryor dies at 65

Sad news, Richard Pryor dead 65

Comment: I don’t care what people say, the man was a legend. He wasn’t the man that invented blue comedy, but he brought it to the forefront so people like Chris Rock and others could pretty much say what they wanted to while still being funny. (and not be Dixie Chicked)

Yes, I grew up watching his movies (You were da bomb in Superman 3 even though the movie sucked).

One of the best remarks he ever said was to Martin Lawrence. Martin came to Pryor saying that Bill Cosby had been on his back about his R-rated shows.

Pryor said, “F’ em”

Another remark was “Tell Bill to have a coke and a smile and STFU.” Note: Not sure he told the second line to Martin though, but he did to someone.

You Will be missed Pryor

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, he's was one of the best. and so many have come after him. I need to watch that film
