Friday, December 23, 2005

Griffin vs. Fanning=Seacrest winning

What do Kathy Griffin, Dakota Fanning, and Ryan Seacrest have to do with each other?

Comment: Annoying but sometimes funny lady Griffin made an offhanded remark about Dakota Fanning. Griffin got fired for that remark check it

(("Apparently, Ted told my reps that the E! red carpet is a puzzle and I am a piece of the puzzle, which is a wonderful puzzle piece, but I don't fit this particular puzzle, and that when I see the puzzle, I will get it," Griffin says. "They kept saying, 'When you see the new puzzle, you will know it is not a personal insult.' I was like, 'Are you kidding?' I got canned, bottom line."))

So people are no longer fired anymore they “have to see their place in the puzzle”. WTF?

Of course Fanning people were pissed…here.

The joke Griffin made wasn’t even that funny or offensive. Relax E!

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