Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Getting Christmas on your butt

Uh, I like Christmas (holiday, which one do I say. I haven’t decided which side of this War on Christmas I side with.). No, I love Christmas.

Back when I was an angry child, Christmas was the only holiday where I felt happy. I would remember trying my best to sleep on Christmas Eve, but I couldn’t because I wanted to see my gifts. Plus, Christmas was the time when folks in my crazy family would put aside their petty differences and come over and have a good time. Ah, the good times.

Then, I saw the other side of Christmas. The retail side. Thanks to Corporate America (Axis of evil), I saw how petty people acted when they didn’t get their overpriced item, acting like complete children. This opened my eyes how stupid people act over items.

Then there’s this whole War Over Christmas thing (there’s a freaking book on the subject guys and girls). Can we stop fighting over what is Christmas vs. Holiday? Can we stop fighting over the last XBOX 360 (1.5) in front of our children? Can I get my sleep pattern back?


  1. i'm pretty sure you mean Corporate America. Cooperate America sounds like a pretty good thing to me. :)

  2. I never get anyone anything for Christmas. Everyone in my family knows not to expect anything from me. If they choose to sweat over getting me something, that's their own problem, but I'm certainly not gonna bust my ass and clean out my wallet to make other people happy. That may sound scrooge-ish but that's just how I look at things.

    I already have to waste my time "spending quality time with my family" every year. I think that's more than enough.

  3. I agree with you, Glitch there should be more of that than more of the spending and spending hours outside waiting for a store to open.
