Wednesday, November 02, 2005

What you didn’t see after this is that dorkman punched Santa in the face for never giving him his signed Sgt. Slaughter action figure back in the 80s.
After this photo, green guy went back to the bedroom and cried his heart out, realizing that he put more effort into this costume than his real life.
If you really want to be like Hulk Hogan, stay in your job way past your prime and then have a really bad reality show to make ends meet, Brother.
I actually like this one, moving on.
Between the two lame dorks, the lady with white makeup on did a pretty good job with her outfit, I like this one too. I guess I’m losing my edge.

A zombie’s favorite food. Nowadays for the health worried Zombie, American brains are much lighter and less fatting, (Meaning much dumber)

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