Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Some more Monkey Island lines

More Monkey Island lines

  • Carla the Swordmaster: "Do you have any idea how difficult it is to escape from Monkey Island?"

Guybrush: "No, how difficult is it to... (with emphasis) Escape from Monkey Island?"

Carla: "Well... it's really difficult."

"Ahh, the middle finger, the most communicative of fingers." -- Guybrush,


  • Guybrush to Murray, who is hanging on a spike: "How did you get up there?"
Murray: "Through sheer force of will! ... Okay, it was a bunch of those weird voodoo kids. They found me on shore and put me on top of this spike, all the time thinking they were *so* funny."


  1. Haha! I just might get a game from the Monkey Island, if it's always this funny.

  2. Get either Escape from Monkey Island or The Curse of Monkey Island
