Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Shut your trap

“See this? This means shut ye mouth lady. Nobody wants to hear you.”

I swear some people get on my nerves. Last night, as I left the guard shack to enter the tram to ride to work, I noticed a chubby woman dressed in a witch outfit. At first, I thought she was a member of Wicca. Then, I realized it was still Halloween and she had a right to make a fool of herself.

I sat down, and waited for the tram to take off. The Chubby Witch started to talk to another woman right across from her. Her voice was shrill and whiney, and she talked about nothing important loudly to the other woman. I grew uneasy with her voice and stupid subject matter.

A young guy across from me got up and went to the next tramcar. I guess he couldn’t stand her voice either. I made the mistake of staying in the same Tramcar with this Chubby Witch. The tram started and she continued to talk even louder. Her voice grew worst.

I started to drum my fingertips on my legs, and rolled my eyes. When’s this Witch going to shut her mouth? I gritted my teeth, waiting for my stop to come up. Even before tram stopped I was already out of my seat, waiting for the two doors to open. I couldn’t take it any longer. The doors opened and I was free of this woman’s wraith.

I wanted to jump off that moving Tram. Now, I see why that prison woman jumped from that speeding van.

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