Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~I’m feeling kind of sh*tty today.

~In my Media class, we discussed my favorite subject of all…movies. I actually knew more than the teacher. I don’t have a gold membership card at Blockbuster for nothing.

~~Yes, I do know how to sing Karaoke or at least I did at a Halloween party two weeks ago. I sung the “Lion Sleeps tonight” song. Yeah, what of it?

~I just hope I can handle working at my crappy job for at least a while.

~Yet another reason my brother and me are completely different. After being screwed over by the company for my promotion in management, I pretty much denounced at people in management. I now have no desire to ever try getting involved in management again. They can all go to hell. My brother is trying to get himself into management at his airline job. So, right off the bat, there would be many arguments about the subject, if I ever brought it up.

~I am getting more pissed driving around Louisville. It seems people are driving slower everyday, and I am usually behind their azzes. I am tempted to start carrying a brick in my car and start throwing into people’s back windows. Learn how to drive, people.

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