Sunday, November 20, 2005

Old news, but vid still needs to be shown.

New Orleans Police Beating

Comment: Well, here’s a not so fun video of a black 64 year old retired teacher getting beat up by Orleans cops. What the tape doesn’t show is the old man lying in his own blood, handcuffed facedown. I know this is old, but check it out.

Here’s the news story.

Watch as a rather huge cop grabs and shoves a press guy. “Go home!.”

Then the huge cop comes back and demands he write his badge number.

BTW, who is the jerk cop with the horse, trying to block the scene with his horse? He then goes after a woman that tries to step in.

Here is some info

((Joseph Bruno, the attorney for Davis, said his client does not believe the assault was racially motivated.))

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