Wednesday, November 02, 2005

it is over for "Over There"

“You’re fired”
Who knows, there might be a Donald Rumsfied reality show.

Over There is Over

Comment: FX has put the gritty war drama about the current Iraq war to death.

“It became evident to us that the American public didn't want to see a dramatization of a war that was already going on," Yemaya Royce, a spokeswoman for Bochco's production company, told Reuters.

No crap, the average Joe doesn’t even watch the news on the war when it’s real. Sadly, people no longer want to debate what’s happening anymore. And some just don’t care.

How do I feel about the War? The right war for all the wrong reasons, and the wrong time for it. I feel Saddam was our responsibility to begin with because we helped him in his war against Iran. We needed to take him out, but not when we’re fighting different war at the same time.

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