Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

~For the past few days, I have been in a better mood. I’ve been feeling better as well.

~Well, I have my first two news assignments for my Media writing class. I just hope I can do a good job on them. I really am considering getting into writing in media.

~If I see another stack of Pancakes soon, I’ll get sick. I ate too much last Friday.

~Part of the news story is about going to a Humanities fair and interviewing teachers. It will be interesting to interview some of my former teachers.

~I hate that winter is coming up, I can’t stand it.

~Okay, I am officially a Lost fan now. I’ve watched three disks so far. Still won’t watch it on TV though, can’t stand the ads.

~Work on my novel is progressing fairly well. Still trying to reach 100 pages.

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