Saturday, October 29, 2005

Rambo vs Rocky?

His tools, the better to gut terrorists with


More Rambo 4 news, besides the New Rocky movie

Comment: here’s the info so far…

((The franchise that drew "First Blood" is back with a fourth installment. Millennium Films in conjunction with Emmett/Furla Films and Equity Pictures are partnering on a $50 million "Rambo IV." Sylvester Stallone is attached to star. The story centers on former Vietnam vet John Rambo, who is living a reclusive life back home in the U.S. But when a girl goes missing, he is forced to abandon his quiet lifestyle and take justice into his own hands. No director is attached, and the screenplay is in the early stages. (Tatiana Siegel)))

In GTA Vice City, I loved how the radio (fake) ads made fun of the Rambo films.

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