Monday, October 31, 2005

George Takei came out (Good for him)

“Don’t call me tiny.”

George Takei officially came out of the closet (Cabinet?) last week. He stated, "The world has changed from when I was a young teen feeling ashamed for being gay. The issue of gay marriage is now a political issue. That would have been unthinkable when I was young."

I have to agree with him. I think people’s view of gay people has changed somewhat over the years. Being black myself, I understand the meaning of being different, and there have been great strides in race relations to a point. But, now we also have to get over this mistrust of gays.

But, most Trekkies knew he was already gay to begin with, so it’s not a shock.

Note: I saw Mr. Takei in person one time. He walked right pass me, and I really didn’t put two and two together.

Someone shouted out, “Hello, Mr. Takei!”

I turned around and saw Takei walking away, as he waved to the person who spoke to him. I then turned to my friend Joey, “I didn’t know. I could have gotten him to sign something for me.”

Joey merely shrugged.

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