Friday, October 21, 2005

Front Mission 3 (Playstation one game review)

Front Mission 3

The Front Mission series has always been bigger over in Japan, than it was here in the states. The first Front Mission game to officially reach our shore was part 3. After the publishing deal with EA, Square begun to bring games that wouldn’t come over before to our country.

Like the rest of the games in the series, Front Mission 3 (FM3) at it’s core was a strategy turn-base RPG, think Final Fantasy Tactics with giant robots. The player moved around on a 3-D board, and had a limited number of moves before their course of action.

Like all Squaresoft games, the storyline was hard to follow, at times. However, the story went into two completely different storylines depending on a certain course of action you took at the beginning of the game. Overall, the gameplay will keep you busy for at least 30-40 hours through both storylines, perhaps more.

Grade B

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