Monday, October 10, 2005

FFXI tour

The airship docked in a port in Juneo. It runs on a schedule like everything else.

In Final Fantasy XI online, you usually have to get ground the world in various ways, and it can take a long time to do it too. Besides warps and crystal travels, the airship is another way to travel between the four main kingdoms.

One way to gain an Airship pass is to reach a certain level on the missions. Like in the real world, you can see landmarks that you’ve passed in the game. Another cool feature is that you can see the airship fly around in the background if you look closely, while on the ground. Sometimes, the airship will pass over you and cast a shadow, very cool.

There is another Airship quest to a smaller village named Kazam. It is a long quest, and very dangerous. But, this was my first time seeing the wonderful landscape and the world of FFXI. These are the things I enjoyed about the game.


  1. I'll definitely get FFXII, though I can't say I much liked the whole Ivalice story. It was a cool theme, and FFT is still one of my favorite it the series, but I couldn't connect well to the characters.

  2. Yeah, there was too many characters in FFT. They should have made the game 2-3 disk bigger. and the FFT story can get really confusing.

    FFXII will have elements of FFT/FFXI online and a bit of FFX colorful world.

  3. Wait, do you mean in terms of the way the actually look, or will there really be pieces taken from FFX and FFXI and added into FFXII?

  4. From FFT: Has the same Name as FFXII, A director has stated that might or might not be in the same world as FFT and FFTA. I’ve heard conflicting reports. I’m looking into this on GameFAQ

    FFXI: FFXII Will use certain elements of game play from the online game, such as night and day effects. Here’s a link

    Note all the news could be wrong, but I heard their using a mod FFXI engine for gameplay.
