Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Dr. Laura the Axel Rose of Evil

Dr. Laura I hate you


Comment: Here is a review of radio “doctor” host Dr. Laura. I don’t care that she is conservative, that doesn’t matter. What matters, is that she is one crazy woman, and try to listen to her show some day, truly the stupidest and funniest thing you’ll ever hear. The callers have to be the worst of Middle American and poorly represent conservatives. Conservatives and Liberals should join forces and destroy this vile evil Doctor.

Dr. Laura preaches sex after marriage, but we know she did not follow that rule, because there are many sites out there with pictures of her nude from her college days. You don’t want to see those pics; she’s pale and very uh…bushy. And , those pictures should be banned for that reason alone.

From the bottom of my shoe, “F’ you, Dr. Laura.”


  1. She still has a radio show? Huh, I figured she was canceled a year ago.

    But yeah, as a conservative of the Christian persuasion, she's a pain in the neck. I couldn't stand to listen to her berate her callers who were just looking for some advice, not hate.

  2. Yeah, she's still on the radio, barely she lost nearly 200 channels from her 400,
