Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ashlee Simpson returning to SNL review from Talkbackers

This is the reason I love the internet, reading other people’s opinions and their smart-ass remarks.

The aricle is about Ashlee Simpson returning to SNL to sing her crappy songs. The Talkback is funny as always, with all it’s negativity. Link here
Here’s are some talkback peeps, and I agree with them.

((1Perform a song a capella, to show that she's really a singer, and that the previous fuckup was only a fluke. Or, 2) Just come out and strip naked, forever proving that she's gotten past her delusions of being a legitimate singer/songwriter, and focusing on her true B-cup assets. Either way... must-see television.))

((SHE can't SING!! that first song was terrible. She sounds like SHIT, and the fact that she has albums when they got better talent in the first round of American Idol wannabes is a damn shame. AND shes ugly!!! she looks like she has down syndrome. im sick to my stomach. and now apollo is on, and that fat bitch who thinks shes sexy is on, and now Im getting sicker. must turn tv off....))

((Because it is more than her shitty music and her lack of talent. It is because she is famous PURELY because of her famous older sister and her father. Without them, she would be nowhere. She seems to have the least amount of talent than any major pop singer today, yet she has been on SNL twice! Which is something most bands or singers can only dream about having happen. And the defense that she works hard holds no merit. It seems like one of those arguments where people can't criticize a movie because "a lot of effort went into it." No, if the product stinks, it stinks. Not to mention, in Ashlee's case, many people have seen the TV show and have seen how hard she really did work.))

((I threw up.))

Yes, these are real, these people are funny but sick.

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