Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts
~I was at drive-thru last night. I went up to the drive-thru window and rolled down my window. I said, “I’d like a number 4, Biggie size and a coke.”

The jerk on the other end of the speaker said, “Is that one number 1?”

I guess I sounded like I was pissed off. “No, that’s a number 4.”

This guy then said, “That’s why I asked.”

I nearly drove off, pissed off, but I was hungry so I stayed.

This is BS. How can you get 4 mixed up with 1? Maybe, I should have spoken in a stupid country-accent. Dave Thomas is spinning in his grave.

~I ordered some new school books yesterday, and one came in today. My new school book is…old. (Don’t worry, I got 15 bucks back.)

~Crap, here I am at school, writing for this blog, and I realized that the parking meter is running out, I better get to my car…

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