Thursday, August 04, 2005


As I went to the movies today, I left my AOL account open by accident. So, it stayed open for three hours. I got an IM spam. I’d like to share it with you. I think it’s funny and lame.

((Hi, I just saw your profile, My Name is Emily, 18 from Cali, Just wondering if you might want to chat sometime. I have some pics on my page if you want to check it out, do you have any pics I can see? Here is the page, www*Emily*ru*tf (replace the * with a Dot or period so you are able to go to the site, sign my profile please!)))

I love when these fake IM come through and pretend to be cute women wanting to chat with you for no reason. The site is love/porn connection site. Lonely fanboys, don’t be fooled by the female name this is spam.


  1. Wow, Emily sounds hot! Pass on the link! I'm going to give her my credit card information and access to my bank account so that she'll really like me!

  2. LOL
    The sad part is, I actually checked her “site” out...for research
