Sunday, August 07, 2005

Crazy Frog

Hate Crazy Frog

I really hate hearing and reading about the Crazy Frog. I hate the music videos and I hate the ringtones. Why is something so crappy getting so much attention? Is this Crazy Frog suppose to be the new hip thing for the “mass of stupid people” to latch on to, like reality shows. People want to know the first signs of the coming Armageddon; the Crazy Frog is the first one. Please, let’s get congress to get involved in this and keep this fad from arriving on our shores. Besides, we have own crap that we export to countries, Ashton Kutcher, Gary Coleman, Any Dick, and Backstreet Boys.

Crazy Frog has been all over the charts in Europe. What is going on?

Die Crazy Frog.


  1. Yeah, I dont know how people can call that a frog. really creepy isn't it
