Friday, July 01, 2005

Two Weddings and a Restroom

Two Weddings and a Restroom

First off, I really hate weddings, I hate the cheerfulness and millions of pictures people have to take for it. I hate getting dressed up for these things. Then again, there should be only two times in your life when you have to dress up, weddings and funerals. However, I do believe that sometimes you have to do stuff for people even though you don’t like it, such as going to an Algerian wedding. Surprisingly, I actually really enjoyed myself, and I enjoyed seeing another culture. It was a learning experience.

There was Algerian music playing in the background, which I really dug. The Bride changed into at least 5 dresses for the wedding. There was dancing, lots of it. During the marriage ceremony, it consisted of the bride and groom holding candles and blowing them out. Then the elder lady smeared this green slime on their right hands. This slime will bring good luck and well being to the newly married couple. Then everyone gets to have some of this slime smeared on the right hand.

After I received my slime, I smelled it. It smelled foul, but I kept it on. An hour later, I removed the cloth and slime crust and noticed a dark orange stain in the middle of the palm of my hand. The bride told me, that the stain would stay on my hand for at least a week! (Oh, joy.) As I type this, I am still looking at my palm with the big stain on it. I guess I better get use to this slime stain for a while.

Algerian Food is very interesting, but I am not sure I like it all though. Then again, people say I’m very picky about food. Well, after having a second plate of the food, today I believe the food and me have had a bit of a disagreement. I’ve been on the “white throne” all day.

In the end, I had a fun time, even with the stomach problems and stained hand. I’m glad that they invited me.

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