Thursday, July 21, 2005

A Short story about Doohan

I saw James Doohan once during a convention years ago; he was such as nice man. I can understand why he hated Shatner so much. Of course, this wouldn’t be right if I didn’t make mention one of James Doohan’s incidents with The Shatner.

Back in the 70s, there was talk of Star Trek making a comeback on the TV or movie screens. Doohan was excited about hearing the news, so he called the phone number that William Shatner gave him, years ago.

Doohan dialed the number.

After a few rings, Shatner picked up. “Hello?”

“Hey, Bill, I was wondering if you heard the stories about the studio green lighting the Star Trek movie?”

“How did you GET this number?” Shatner asked in his usual rude voice.

Doohan felt upset, the memories of his days on the show dealing with Shatner’s EGO came back to him. Somehow, Shatner had forgotten that he gave Doohan the phone number.

With anger coming to the surface, Doohan hung up the phone.

Shatner EGO strikes again.

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