Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I Hate Jared

Jared, I hate you.

I hate Jared from the Subway ads, I really do. This guy is like the Carrot-Top of fast food. For some reason, I can’t stand this guy. He just really bugs me. Maybe it’s because he’s a “star” because he eats Subways. I think I’ve had nightmares about this toad.

So, he came up the Subway diet, big deal. Somebody should come up with the Pooping-Diet. This is where you loose pounds by pooping them out of yourself. Sounds like a delightful diet.


  1. I hear ya. I thought he died or something a while back, then all of a sudden he starts making Subway commercials again. I guess the money he made from his first few commercial bits got spent pretty quick-like...

  2. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, he's now back to doing Ads again. Thanks for stopping by.
