Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Box Office Jam (Freestyle)

Box Office Jam

1 War of the Worlds $113 Million. Comment: Man, I was too depressed to leave the house and go out and see this movie. The buzz has been really good and I know people that have admitted to going to it twice.

2 Batman Begins $154 Million. Comment: Not doing bad, I never thought it would be a huge hit with the way moviegoers are today. Tim Burton’s Batman movie would have faired worst if it had been released today, trust me.

3 Mr. & Mrs. Smith $146 Million. Comment: Let’s mix guns, two good looking people, and a okay plot=hit!

4 Bewitched $40.3 Million. Comment: Usually chick-flicks do better than this. This movie has had a huge drop off from last week. So long Bewitched, see you on DVD!

5 Herbie: Fully Loaded $36.8 Million. Comment: How about Herbie: Fully Crapped. Hey if I can rent that damn Ewok movie, then I can rent this movie.

I have read that Theaters are still in a slump, too bad. Learn how to lower your prices fartknockers!

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