Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Shatner EGO

((I remember how I felt when William Shatner dismissed me on the set of Star Trek V. humiliation and disenchantment is easy for me to recall, and I do everything I can to ensure that I don't inflict it on another person.))

Wil Wheaton said these words about what happened one-day. Wil Wheaton played the crappy Character Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: the next generation.

This is a famous story among trekkers. Shatner has been known to have a huge EGO. One thing I always found funny was that William Shatner always felt threatened by the Next Generation Crew. He didn’t like the fact that a new group of actors were moving in and taking HIS screen time. Whenever he spoke to the press, he would go out of his way to bad mouth TNG people. I always found this type of behavior from a grown man funny. I nearly laughed when TNG lasted 7 seasons, even though William Shatner felt the show would never last. Yet, Shatner claimed he NEVER watched the show.

One day during the shooting of the movie Star Trek V, which Shatner directed, Wil Wheaton decided to take a trip to the set of movie, which was right next door to the TNG Set. Wheaton was a huge trekkie and saw Shatner as his childhood hero. Like me, Wheaton grew up watching the old show on reruns. Shatner played a selfless hero named Captain Kirk, THE Captain Kirk. Well, Wheaton introduced himself to Shatner. When Shatner found out he was from the TNG show, he treated the young boy like Sh*t. Rumor has it, Shatner said loudly, “I would never let a boy fly MY Enterprise.” He made sure Wheaton overheard it. Rumor goes that Wheaton was seen running from the set, upset.

What kind of grown man would do such a thing, Shatner EGO!

I was a little upset with the fact that Rick Berman asked Shatner to reprise his role as Captain Kirk for Star Trek: Generations. The man has been had been putting down TNG for years, and then he ASKED Shatner to join the movie.

Another thing, Shatner hated TNG, but had no problem using many of the sets from that show for his poorly received Star Trek V. What a Klingon azz.

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