Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Random thoughts (the Apple ED)

Random Thoughts

~Life is like taking a dump. It stinks and is unpleasant most of the time, but in the end, everything comes out okay. Then you flush…(Die)

~Someone chewed me out yesterday for not watching the New episodes of Family Guy. But, I have nothing against the show, heck I watched some of the DVDs. I love the show, GD! But here is what is wrong, I don’t watch most Major Network TV at all, not out of spite. I just don’t like the Ads they cram into the damn show.

~This same person asked me this “Why do you enjoy pissing people off?” “It seems like you aren’t having a good day, unless someone else is having a bad day.”

My answer, I love seeing others miserable. I don’t make people directly miserable, but I do feed off others Crap. It’s just who I am. Plus, I can be a charming guy, every blue Moon. When is the next blue moon?

~If a deaf man Farts in the woods, does it make a noise, does it then stink? Does the fallen tree that doesn’t make a noise smell the deaf man’s fart too?

~Whatever happened to C&C Music Factory? “Everybody Dance Now!” was the coolest song EVER. Cheerleaders have been dancing to this song for ages, so have I.

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