Sunday, June 19, 2005

Place your Ad here...


I remember the episode of Futurama where Fry was having a dream, and all of a sudden, there was a commercial beamed into his head. He wakes up the next day and tells his friends about the incident. They tell him that in the future, everyone gets commercials in their dreams. It was a joke at the time, but I wonder if there isn’t any truth to it. No matter where we go, someone is trying to sell crap to us. Over phones, Tv, movies, billboards, sports games, e-mail. I am sick of it.

Anyway, I was driving down Westport road, and I was stopped at a light. I gazed to my right and noticed the larger than life Ashton Kutcher staring back at me. With his blank stare, I at first thought it really was the world’s dumbest “actor” staring back at me, trying to make me remember the turd movie Dude Where’s My Car. However, it wasn’t, because it was merely a Mobile Billboard Truck. For some godless reason, it was promoting That 70’s show. I started to get REALLY angry. Can I just sit at a light and not get SPAMMED by a damn mobile billboard?

Every time I see that damn thing, I want hit them with my car. Perhaps Running Ads in our dreams isn’t too far away.

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