Monday, June 13, 2005

Pigs get ready for MJ

Does anyone even give a rat’s ass about Michael Jackson to riot? This isn’t like Rodney King for Crap’s sake. We’re talking about MJ, a man that likes having pet a monkey(not a sex Reference or is it?. Please no F***ing riots over this Fartknocker. He hasn’t been black in a long time. Found this on, kind of strange.

((Police Prepare for Jackson Judgment Day

Santa Maria, California police are taking measures to make sure the Michael Jackson child molestation trial verdict doesn't trigger a riot in the sleepy town. The jury will continue its deliberations today and a verdict is expected at some point this week. Police chief Danny Macagni admits his officers have spent the last year preparing for judgment day in the case, and he insists they're well prepared for whatever outcome. County sheriff's officers have been patrolling the courthouse grounds for weeks and extra police officers will be called in to help control crowds this week. Last week, police officers confiscated rocks from Jackson's supporters, who have gathered outside the courthouse. Macagni has denied rumors that Jackson will be flown to jail in a police helicopter if he is convicted.))

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