Friday, June 24, 2005

Ever tried random Blog jumping?

There many interesting blogs out there, here are some I’ve found while skipping along.

Just by hitting the next blog button you’ll come across some cool people, and a LOT of spam. I just went blog jumping a few minutes ago, enjoy.

Heidi in the desert

Some drawing blog that’s pretty good

I ran into of these SPAM blogs (they’re just porn) I think blogger really should end those Spam blogs.

Crap, I keep running into these Spams, here are the rest of them.


This one has pretty pictures, this guy/girl is good

I actually like this dud, he flips you off with his profile pic.

This one is Star Wars, but it goes under the WTF list.

This dude is pretty cool, it reminds me of my blog a bit.

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