Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dream a Crappy Dream Part I

Dreams Really do Suck Part One

Yesterday, I was asleep in my bed, dreaming. The dream opened up with people cheering and shouting. I was walking down a school hallway, walking pass blue uniform-looking lockers. When I heard the sound, I noticed it was fairly close to my location, so I dashed for the door, and I entered. Next thing I knew, I was inside a sports bar of some type, fitted with multiple TV screens. The shouting continued, and I looked to my left to see a huge crowd of people surrounding a normal size basketball court, with people playing a basketball game.

Now for some reason, this didn’t seem to disturb me that there was a full court inside a damn sports bar. Logic doesn’t matter in the dream world, or does it… Anyway, I decided to join in the crowd and watch the basketball game. I stood there and watched the game for about 10 mins(dream minutes no doubt). Then I saw her, the woman of my dreams (Dreams inside a dream? I don’t understand it myself. Remember, Dream Logic) staring at me from across the Basketball court.

She waved at me and gave me a warm smile…

To be continue

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