Monday, June 20, 2005

Coming Soon Movies

Future Movies in the making

Here is a list of the strange but true future projects that are in the making.

Police Academy: Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, the last few PA movies sucked. Well, this one has a chance of sucking too. Unless it’s R-rated and has gross out humor, it won’t stand a chance. Guess who is directing this soon to be bomb movie? Hugh Wilson is the same director writer of the 1st movie. Could be good… Oh, look for Jones and Bubba to return, since they haven’t done anything since PA. Hell, Jones was doing the Police Academy TV show for a short period of time, not the cartoon.

Shrek 3: This could be good. I liked Shrek 2 better than Shrek 1. Here is what’s bothering me, Justin Timberlake is in the movie. At least that’s what IMDB is saying. Head for the hills. How much do you want to bet there will be a Janet Jackson joke in the movie?

Untitled Eddie Murphy Project: coming straight from ((A re-imagining of Romeo and Juliet, as told from the point-of-view of the young lovers' parents.)) I don’t know what else to say…

The Incredible Shrinking Man: Could this be another Meteor Man? One of the millions of Wayans is directing. Produced by Eddie.

The Munsters: Still want more Remakes? Well, we have them too. Someone help us from drowning in the Remake River

Homey the Clown: want more Wayans crap, well here you go. I believe the phrase “That’s so 90s” comes to mind.

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