Sunday, June 19, 2005

Chrono Trigger/Cross (the story) Part 2

The game begins with doves flying above a small town in the year 1000 A.D. A normal kid oversleeps in his bedroom, so his mother wakes him by opening the curtains. The kid’s name is Chrono, a spike-haired boy that doesn’t talk much. After meeting a girl by the name Marle, they go off on an adventure through time!

They end up in the year 600 A.D. This is where our heroes notice the differences. (Note this time period is set in a Mediaeval/dark ages Era.) With all the shifting through time, the game can get a little confusing, though the screen will tell you where you are. But, trust me, it will get even more confusing. With all the shifting through time, the heroes end up in distance future, 2300 A.D to be exact. Here is where you discover something bad has happened to the planet. It is an infertile wasteland, not much is living around the planet. (What’s cool is if you keep your characters out in wasteland field for a long time their hit points will lower, “HP”) There are a few humans left on the surface of the planet, living in domes. In this dark future, you come across Robo (local friendly robot). He joins the group of heroes.

Suddenly you are thrown into a Null area called the End of Time. Unlike other RPGs, you can actually fight the Main boss of the game at anytime now from a portal. Trusts me you can’t, because you’re too weak to fight him now. This portal to the main Boss is in a rusty old bucket; but never look into bucket on your 1st try through the game.

Later you find out that the real villain is, LAVOS

To be continued…

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