Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Woot VS Woop

I was bored today so I looked up the words Woot and Woop on Urban dictionary.

1. woop

almost like woot but cooler to the 2nd degree. A refreshing alternative to the overused gamer slang

omg guys I talked to a girl today, woop!

12. woot

an exclamation used by nerds and/or your mom.

woot, 1 r teh 1337z0r357 on teh intarweb!

14. woot

1:An abbreviation for the phrase:"We owned the other team"
2:A simple cry of joy

1:Woot, that was too easy.
2:I just got a new job, Woot!

Note: I find it funny that Woot is considered nerdy and Woop is considered cool. “Woop, there it is!”

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