Monday, May 09, 2005

top five of this moment

Top five people I like at the moment.

1. Don Cheadle: this man can act. Even when I hated the movies he’s in, I’ve been impressed with his acting. He seems to really take his acting skill serious.

2. Mos Def: this guy just seemed to fit the Character in the hitchhiker movie. Pleased to see another black man take his craft seriously.

3. John Williams: for writing such a dark score to the next SW movie.

4. Bender (from Futurama): I just love this, smoking, stealing, drinking robot for the cancelled TV show. He has the best one-liners. I see him as the complete opposite of Marvin from Hitchhikers guide movie.

5. J-Lo: only because I still have the hots for her, and a certain body part… Look, I don’t go to her movies to watch the deep story lines, I go for only one thing…

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