Saturday, May 07, 2005

Random thoughts

~I was watching the VH1 show When Jerry Springer Ruled the World. I swear the show is mostly fake! I’ve never seen such a montage of fake, poor white trash folk and I live in KY. I cant believe I used to watch this show when I was young. Pure trash… I just didn’t know the show was this bad. This show was forerunner of the crap that is called reality shows. Thank goodness, this has died down.

Jerry Springer, you suck! So does Jenny Jones…

~Man, I’ve been having some strange dreams of late. (Nope, I’m not telling you my dreams.

~I really don’t like these new whopper ads.

~ Well, today I have to go to the Bell of Louisville tonight. I don’t want to go…

~I don’t hate all reality shows just most of them.

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