Sunday, May 01, 2005

Random thoughts Part 10-A

~ I swear I’ve seen some many car wrecks these past few days. Can’t people drive anymore?

~ Is it just me or is it strange to talk to someone in bathroom. I don’t know, I just feel weird talking to someone knowing there are turds floating nearby.

~ Everything is nearly going well for me, for the most part.

~ With all the hard work I put into my classes, I just might be getting a couple of B’s. I rule da School, Yo! (If not, I’ll be happy with C’s)

~ Is anyone really looking forward to XXX2 with Ice Cube. The first one was pure turd-water. What makes them think the second one will be any good?

~ I swear whenever I need to get somewhere fast, I’m always late. Thursday, I had to leave 20 mins early and then I got caught in traffic for no reason but road work.

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