Saturday, May 28, 2005

My F***King Sad Life Story, Part One

Life can certainly throw you curve balls. There are times when you have everything planned out, and something comes up unexpectedly and changes whatever you had planned for your life. The problem with me, I didn’t have a plan, a goal. I was simply one unhappy high school student. I couldn’t wait to get out of the hell hole called “High School”.

Years ago, right of High School, I decided to jump right into College. I ended up going to KY State, a black college that is located in Frankfort. It certainly was a culture shock. I chose to become a Music Major, because I spent nearly ten years of my life playing music. Music was the only thing in life they kept going to High School.

When I got K-State, I noticed how much time was involved with being a Music Major. There was so much to do in these music classes, that I let my normal classes slip. I ended up flunking out of school, and went back home.

Part of me knew I could never fit in with the team aspects of the Marching Band, and I was relieved. However, the dark years of my life was about to arrive, and I would have to make a very important decision…

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