Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Miller Time (well not anymore...)

Dennis Miller is out of a job, again. Well, it looks like CNBC is doing the smart thing and is canning the crap-fest that was the Dennis Miller show. I guess his one-sided, and unfunny views weren’t enough to keep him on.

There was a time when Dennis Miller was a funny man. Back in his Saturday Night Live years, I always looked forward to seeing the weekend update with him as host. He took one of the longest running skits and made it his own brand of smart-ass comedy. What made him so funny was the fact that he made fun of the left and the right equally. He considered himself a center guy. Then, he left SNL, usually most former SNL stars bombed right out of the gate, but not Miller. He went to HBO and started another show. There, he fine tuned his wit and was able to become a bigger star. This was the height of his career.

Then it happened, after Sept, 11, Miller became a bore. Instead of making fun either side, he chose a side, the Far Right to be on. This was when he lost his edge. He became a dull TV personally that never made fun of Bush or any of the things he did. It was so sad watching him be so unfunny on CNBC, but at the same time, I couldn’t look away. Thus, another former SNL performer sucked.

Go to hell Miller. Don’t worry too much, I’m sure FOX news will give you a show, you’ll fit right in.

(Note: Yes he was bad on Monday Night Football, but he wasn’t as bad as Rush.)

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