Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Chud.com Info

Things that they’re talking about on CHUD.com


I really should watch Lost someday, but I tend to avoid network TV if it isn’t on HBO, FX, Cartoon Network, or Sci-fi. I usually catch up with TV shows by watching them on DVD. Now that I think about it, I only watch most shows through DVD sets. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve watched less TV. This maybe because of the growing number of reality shows.

Project Greenlight

I watched the first two seasons of this show and this was one of the few reality shows I could bear to watch. It was on HBO the 1st two seasons and then switched to Bravo. Chris Moore says that the show is pretty much dead. Sad, one of the few shows that had good stuff.


Well, CHUD says that this show has been cancelled. I never really watched this show, so I can’t say too much about it. I do know that one of my favorite writers wrote for this show in the first season, Ron D. Moore.

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