Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ring Tones=Crap Tones

Ring tones are really getting annoying to me. Everyone has a music ring tone on their f’ing cell phones. I was sitting in the school library and everyone seemed to have their cell phones go off. They are so loud and annoying, from rock music to rap music. One nerd kept letting his phone go off. Can’t people just turn their phone on vibrate? Do we have to hear their crumby music selections?

Note: It's okay to have Lord of Rings and Star Wars Music for those phones


  1. Yeah, see, it's not that ring tones aren't cool, it's that so many people choose really god-awful ones! I almost joined Cingular just so I could get Chewie as my ring tone!

  2. That's true, and they're loud. The worst one is Sex in the city.
