Monday, April 11, 2005

Random thoughts Part 9

Random Thoughts

~ What would we ever do without Google? Wait, I know, still use Yahoo. I guess Yahoo is the “out” thing and Google is the “in” thing.

~ Finally, Deadwood is starting to get good again. There was a Character on the show this week that killed three women in like 10 mins. It was one of the most shocking things on the show in weeks.

~ Do people still play D&D since RPGs on videogames are now popular?

~ Man, I had a PSP in my hand Saturday. I want it, I want it a lot. With a widescreen, the picture is crystal clear. It’s about time someone took on Gameboy.

~ F*** Microsoft, their windows program still blows. I just hate the Blue Screen. And thank you for keeping your prices high. Microsoft is the Wal-Mart of software.

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