Monday, April 18, 2005

Brannon Braga the %$&#

I swear Brannon Braga is an asshole. He just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t know why the hell his baby Star Trek Enterprise failed. His “Shatner EGO” will not let him see his own flaws. I really dislike this man. I feel he should have never been showrunner for Voyager and Enterprise. He’s a lazy writer (and I use that term loosely).

I was checking out and found this mess…

From Trekday, <<Enterprise co-creator Brannon Braga admitted that not all cast members were happy with the story for their series finale,>>

Uh, you can say that again. Pretty much all the cast hated the story he and Berman wrote. Some have been down right vocal about it. Saying things like, “this is why we were cancelled”.

<<"This turned out to be very controversial. Some of the Enterprise cast members were very hurt that we would put Next Generation cast members on Enterprise. I think it's a pretty special episode. We're sending a valentine to all of Star Trek." >>

There shouldn’t be any Next Generation Crew in the show at all dumb ass. You just don’t get it Brannon, and you never will. This is the show called Star Trek Enterprise, not TNG2. These actors poured their hearts into this show, even when you wrote crappy scripts for them, of course they are going to be pissed.

Of course, you think this is a pretty special episode, keep telling yourself that. What the hell is this “valentine” to all of trek? I know the plot points to the script, and I don’t see any valentine, moron.

<<"If you go on some of those fan sites, you'd think I was one of the worst war criminals," Braga told the paper. "And I make the mistake of reading this stuff every day. [...] They say that I killed Star Trek. That my work was so crappy that I got Enterprise cancelled. There's a small but vocal group of people who have been lambasting me ever since The Next Generation." >>

Uh, I hate to break it to you, but YOU ARE THE WORST WAR CRIMINAL of creative writing. You’re just lazy and got the best job a writer could have and you screwed it up.

You did kill Trek with UPN and Berman. You did run of the mill storytelling with Voyager and the show limped along for seven uncreative years. Uh, you should read the fan sites; they cared about this show more than your lazy azz.

This small vocal group has grown SINCE TNG. More and more people started to notice your crappy writing and “joined the club”.

Note: the reason I attack him so much is because, he was never a fan of the original star trek show, and yet he was the showrunner for a show set before the old show. Does this make since. During his three-year run of the show, he did everything in his power to distance the show from the old show, and make it more and more like his crappy sister show Voyager. As a writer, you have to respect what came before.

So long and thanks for all the Crap, Brannon Braga. I hope your new TV show gets cancelled, Fart knocker.


  1. Guess that means the rumors are true. Blech. I didn't even watch this week's show, knowing that Suckitude Factor 10 was certain.

  2. Yeah the story was leaked by some of the writers that were un happy with the ending. I guess we'll wait and see. Thanks for stopping by.
