Friday, March 18, 2005



A week ago, someone from CA asked me if I knew anything about the Waverly Hospital. At first, I said no. Then I realized I had been to the place. We just call it the TB Hospital. This person said it was one of the most haunted places in the US. Though the I didn’t hear any whispers from the hundreds of dead, it was really spooky.

I’ve snuck into this place a few times with my good friends. This place is creepy and some believe it’s haunted. First, you walk along a railroad track to get to the place. After a few miles, you veer off into some dark thick woods. Inside, the building is truly creepy.

This place really looks like a real life silent hill game.

I’ve posted some pics of the real place and some of the videogame Silent hill, they look alike

Please read this link for more info…

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