Saturday, March 19, 2005

Random thoughts Part 5

Random thoughts

~ Every time I go to my car, I get more bird poop on it. These evil birds cover my car with it as if they have a major beef with me. Are the birds using laser guidance systems?

~ I was driving down the street and noticed those people who wear those goofy outfits and signs at intersections. There were two guys dressed like the Statue of Liberty, waving foolishly at random cars as they passed. I thought, these guys must feel like total fools standing out there. Maybe they don’t.

~ Thank God those girl scouts wont be spamming every shopping center doorway in the USA for a while. I don’t mind girl scout cookies and such, but I hate being bugged about it.

~ Speaking of Spam, don’t you just hate when you get an email from one of them that tricks into thinking it’s a long lost friend. Titles like, hey there! Following up on our last communication, check this out! Good to see you again! Damn these guys.

~ I really need to stop sleeping so much…

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