Thursday, March 10, 2005

Random thoughts Part 3

~ What the hell is a fart knocker? How do you Knock farts?

~ I was driving downtown today and noticed a lot of unmarked cop cars park on the sides of the highway. There were at least six of seven clumped together. As I went off ramp, I saw even more cop cars parked on the streets. I took note of this and went on my way. Never put 2 and 2 together. President Bubba was in Louisville today. Aw shucks, ain’t we special…

~ This Semester has been a tough one! I’m going through a lot of pressure, but I WILL make it.

~ Why are the women that are cool to talk to are always dating someone else?

~ Someone at work questioned my manhood. They said I should have seen Constantine instead of Hitch. Fart Knocker!


  1. "Why are the women that are cool to talk to are always dating someone else?"

    Because if they were dating you, they wouldn't be cool anymore.


    Sorry, that was really aimed at myself. Just laying there, and I couldn't resist eating it up like an M&M under the couch.
